Couples Therapy

Relationship and couples therapy is a type of psychotherapy that can help individuals in a romantic partnership resolve conflict by gaining insight into the relationship, improving communication skills and interactions, and developing relationship satisfaction. Therapy focuses on identifying specific challenges and unmet needs, as well as understanding the nuanced dynamics between the partners. This approach helps the partners develop deeper understanding and appreciation for each other that can motivate them to work together towards interconnectedness.

During the first few sessions of couples therapy, I conduct an intake to learn about your reasons for seeking therapy and get to know you individually and as partners. I will ask each individual various questions regarding childhood and family history, how your relationship began and changed over time, and other aspects of your personal lives. These initial sessions are an important and necessary part of the therapeutic process in order to help me better understand the various dynamics in your relationship(s). Learning about your whole story helps me make a proper assessment and create an appropriate treatment plan. Oftentimes, exploring the past helps you build perspective about your current relationship concerns, which then empowers you to work together with more clarity, understanding, and intention.

Some benefits of couples therapy can be:

  • improve communication skills

  • create deeper bonding between partners

  • provide skills for coping with challenging situations

  • offer new insight and understanding

  • develop a fuller understanding and appreciation for cultural differences and experiences

  • experience meaningful interconnectedness

  • identify problem areas between the couple

  • provide strategies for handling conflict

  • improve and strengthen relationships