Perinatal Therapy
The perinatal period can be an exciting time for expecting families. It can also be emotionally draining with many birthing parents needing additional support. Whereas Perinatal Therapy traditionally addressed postpartum depression (PPD) it has now expanded to address what are now recognized as “PMAD’s.”
Perinatal (during pregnancy or the postpartum period)
Mood (depression, bipolar, psychosis)
Anxiety (GAD, panic, OCD, PTSD)
Disorders (inhibit or constrict daily functioning)
While anyone can be affected by these disorders throughout their lives, there is an increased risk during the perinatal period. More importantly, these disorders may present differently during this period. Perinatal depression affects 1 out of 5 to 7 women and 1 out of 10 men. Having a therapist guide families through these periods can help even difficult pregnancies and postpartum period feel more manageable and enjoyable.