Family Therapy

For many people, the first childhood memories of being in a community are within a family system. With all of the possible dynamics between members within this unique group, families are often a complex and complicated space to explore identity, expression, and social connection. Family therapy is a type of psychotherapy that can help family members improve communication skills in order to resolve conflict. The goal of family therapy is to address discord associated with emotional, psychological, or behavioral challenges, and to create a sense of interconnectedness and understanding within the family unit. Sessions can sometimes include an individual or certain family members, while other times the whole family might meet together as a group.

Some benefits of family therapy can be:

  • address intergenerational conflict between family members, including bicultural and mixed heritage differences

  • improve communication skills

  • provide skills for coping with challenging situations

  • offer new insight and understanding

  • experience meaningful interconnectedness within the family

  • identify problem areas within the family

  • provide strategies for handling conflict

  • improve and strengthen relationships